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Relationship Skills for Couples 


unhealthy communication poses a great threat to the joy health & longevity of our relationships

When your romantic relationship is healthy, both individuals within it feel supported, seen and vital. Life's bumps feel tolerable and the future feels hopeful. Life is rich and fulfilling. 
When this relationship is suffering, both individuals within it can feel isolated, unseen, unheard and distressed. Life's bumps feel like tsunami waves, insurmountable and overwhelming. Life just feels hard, unfulfilling and stuck. 
What holds most couples in this stuck place is a communication cycle that occurs on repeat. It becomes a repetitive pattern of unhealthy communication that drains the joy and harmony from an otherwise healthy and fulfilling relationship.
~ you can stop this cycle today ~

​Regular couples therapy is not accessible to everyone. That's why I created this unique and powerful skills-based workshop for couples to access relational skills that are easy to learn and when practiced, foster positive and lasting relationship change.


When you improve the health of your romantic relationship there can be a profound flow-on to the quality of all your relationships ~ with your children, family, friends and colleagues and most importantly ~ with your self. 


What this workshop is:

  • Skills-based learning equivalent to concepts covered in 5-7 hours of couples therapy with me

  • Learn and practice deep listening to help your partner feel validated ~ even when you fundamentally feel or think differently

  • Learn how to step in and ask for what you need without assumptions or guilt

  • Learn how to ask your partner what they need  

  • Learn how to create mutual emotional safety

  • We get curious about protective behaviours and ask what these might be trying to communicate

  • We cover why boundaries and personal responsibility protects you and your relationship 

  • Learn simple techniques to calm and self-regulate big emotional states to enhance your capacity for difficult conversations

  • Get curious about personal strategies out of your awareness that contribute to disharmony in your relationship​

  • Finally, this is a safe space where we all come together as learners - we all only know what we know! This is a non-judgemental and accepting space and a rich opportunity for growth

What this workshop is not:

  • Group couples therapy - you will not be expected to share details about your personal relationship

  • Personalised couples therapy - you will not be given personal support about the specifics of your relationship challenges. This is a skills-based workshop designed to teach a broad range of relational skills that foster healthier relationships. If you feel your relationship would benefit from tailored couples therapy I recommend you seek a qualified couples therapist in your area or join my waitlist here


You are not individuals with failings or personality flaws.


We all develop relational skills within a family of origin. We absorb and internalise models of behaviour and communication that form our way of being in adult love. With this in mind, we aim to hold our parents in a compassionate way, with an understanding that they were also children developing their relationship skills in a similar way. They observed and absorbed what was modelled to them too - the good, the bad and the ugly. 



a great relationship is one in which both feel seen for who they are, loved and accepted for their differences

In this unique workshop you will hear refreshing and liberating perspectives that can change the way you feel about who you are in your relationship and enable and encourage you to develop an intentional vision of who you want to be as a partner. 



we thrive in healthy relationships & this is one of  the most important relationships in your life ~ invest in it  ~ you're worth it 

Sharlene is able to get to the core of complex relationship patterns and issues with compassion, quickly. She has a way of using past experiences to help explain current emotional issues. She is kind, empathetic and approachable. We both found enormous support during our sessions with her.

Mr & Mrs, Sydney

“Love one another, but make not a bond of love; ... Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone; Even as the strings of a lute are alone, though they quiver with the same music”

 ~ Kahlil Gibran

The Barefoot Therapist Logo Stacked WHITE no tag.png

Sharlene Townes (BCouns)

Registered Clinical Counsellor
PACFA Clinical Registration 26636

Quick Links


Suite 5b, 15-17 Stanley Street St Ives, NSW 2075

Bookings are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays), Fridays & Saturdays by appointment only. 


* all testimonials provided with express permission of clients of Sharlene.
Website design is a collab between The Barefoot Therapist & the wonderful Hark Creative Co.

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